Publications & Resources

In addition to improving LEA and Provider capacity, the EIC has the goal of producing reliable, practical evidence and measures to inform planning and implementing a district-wide, high-impact math improvement initiative. Below you will find publications and resources generated from the EIC for use by the field of education as part of a Coherent Instructional System.

Search Results: 18 items found

Year 2 Interim Report – Fall 2023

In this interim report, we present results from multilevel modeling of district demographics and indicators, a teacher survey, a student survey, and district administrative data, including student achievement scores. We also present results from descriptive analyses of key enabling conditions. In this executive summary, we also incorporate findings from qualitative interviews with coaches, executive sponsors, and providers, which are elucidated more fully in the 2023 EIC qualitative analysis report and the EIC Data Use Output. We describe key takeaways from the triangulation of findings.

Year 3 Formative Report – December 2023

The EIC Formative Report analyzed implementation strategies used by districts and providers in the 2022-2023 academic year. The data reveals significant variability in strategy usage across dyads. For example, districts with appointed superintendents consistently deployed a wider range of strategies compared to those with elected leaders. Additionally, several categories of strategies emerged as more prevalent, including professional learning, data collection, use and reporting, and utilizing implementation protocols. Conversely, strategies involving community engagement, communities of practice, leadership development, infrastructure building, and incentives saw less frequent use.

Year 3 Interim Report – June 2023

This interim report presents integrated results from a mixed methods approach. Quantitative analyses included multilevel modeling of district demographics and indicators, a teacher survey, a student survey, and district data, including student achievement scores from Y2; descriptive analyses of key enabling conditions from Y1-Y3; and descriptives of the curriculum’s spread within districts from Y1-Y3. Qualitative findings from interviews and listening sessions with coaches, executive sponsors, and providers in Y3 are integrated to provide context and are more fully elucidated in the 2024 EIC Qualitative Analysis Report. In addition, a survey was distributed at the 2024 EIC convening to assess use and perceptions of implementation strategies across the cohort. Subsequently, focus groups were held with select survey respondents to further explicate the use of implementation strategies; findings can be found in the Implementation Strategies for Systems Change: Insights and Lessons Learned Output

Effective Implementation Cohort