Publications & Resources

In addition to improving LEA and Provider capacity, the EIC has the goal of producing reliable, practical evidence and measures to inform planning and implementing a district-wide, high-impact math improvement initiative. Below you will find publications and resources generated from the EIC for use by the field of education as part of a Coherent Instructional System.

Search Results: 18 items found

Enabling Contexts

Brief: Engaging Students and Caregivers in Buffalo Public Schools and Pasadena Unified School District

Student voice. Family/caregiver voice. Community voice. These voices need to be included in implementation to allow for a clearer understanding of needs, exploration of new ideas, and the creation of equitable decision-making (Engaging Critical Perspectives), but how can they be captured and utilized in a meaningful way?

Enabling Contexts

Context-Specific Readiness Factors to Consider for Implementation of Curriculum

The purpose of this resource is to identify context-specific readiness factors that leaders in priority contexts should consider when implementing the curriculum. Examples within this document focus specifically on a high-quality middle-level math curriculum.  Priority contexts for the Effective Implementation Cohort are school districts in which populations of students who are Black, Latino/a, and/or English Learner (EL)-designated students and/or experiencing poverty, are overrepresented.


Data Practices, Use, and Needs Among Providers, Executive Sponsors, Coaches and School Districts Implementing High-Quality Middle School Math Curriculum

To better understand current data practices, identify what data were most useful to EIC grantees, and uncover any unmet data needs, NIRN conducted 47 semi-structured interviews and listening sessions with Providers, Executive Sponsors, and district and Provider staff providing instructional coaching. Interviewees represented 12 curriculum provider organizations and 15 school districts across seven states.

Variability in Implementation

EIC Brief: Addressing readiness and the impacts of Covid-19 during implementation

Over the summer of 2021, Atlanta Public Schools hired 367 teachers. The amount of turnover and unfilled positions is a story plaguing public education across the country. It is fair to say that the shortages and turnover rates were noticeable before Covid-19. Still, the challenges of reopening schools and the current environment with the impacts of Covid-19 have made it more challenging to keep staff and fill open positions.  This brief dives into the approach that Atlanta Public Schools and Achievement Network took to address these challenges.


EIC Brief: Using Data to Make Implementation Happen

Have you ever approached data collection for a grant project with compliance in mind and then been pleasantly surprised because the process was extremely beneficial? Well, this is exactly what happened in Guilford County Schools. As part of the Effective Implementation Cohort (EIC) project, participating school districts are asked to complete an annual District Capacity Assessment (DCA). At the start of the EIC, the Guilford County Schools (GCS) district implementation team viewed participation in the District Capacity Assessment process as a required component of the project, just something they had to do for compliance with project expectations. As they started using the tool, they discovered it was much more than that for them…

Enabling Contexts

EIC Brief: Creating a Mathematics Theory of Action in Los Angeles Unified School District

Through collaboration with district leadership and partner organizations, LAUSD developed the following vision and Theory of Action.  This brief will describe how they developed and utilized these mission-guiding documents.

Enabling Contexts

EIC Brief: Strengthening Implementation Through Cross-District Collaboration

ConnectED’s foundational frameworks support collaboration across contexts and, as such, helped identify a need and opportunity to build meaningful connections among the three California districts that ConnectED supports in the EIC work.

Enabling Contexts

EIC List of Readiness Assessment Tools

The purpose of this review is to highlight published and/or peer-reviewed tools assessing the readiness of the district (i.e., system level) for the implementation of evidence-based or evidence-informed practices, programs, or resources. In our review, we found a limited availability of such tools designed specifically for and within K-12 settings at the district and systems level; however, we noted which tools could be adapted to K-12.

Enabling Contexts

EIC Readiness Constructs, Definitions, and Indicators

The Effective Implementation Cohort (EIC) Readiness Constructs and indicators are implementation best-practices that are shown to facilitate the uptake of evidence-based practices. This document defines the following constructs in terms of observable and measurable indicators: District Teaming, LEA Executive Sponsors, Communication, Fit and Feasibility Assessment, Implementation Planning, and Measurement Planning.

Variability in Implementation

Implementation Strategies for Systems Change: Insights and Lessons Learned

As a Learning Partner, the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) supported the partnerships between providers and school districts in their implementation and measurement efforts. Critical to these efforts is understanding the use and impact of the implementation strategies deployed across system levels to build implementation capacity and increase curriculum uptake.

Application of Established Practice

Processes for Selecting a High-Quality Mathematics Curriculum

The purpose of this resource is to describe the processes that district leaders use to select a high-quality mathematics curriculum. It is important to note that 18 of the 19 participating districts in the Effective Implementation Cohort (EIC) had already selected their mathematics curriculum before engaging with the EIC. Thus, interviews with district leaders and providers were conducted to collect information on the processes used retrospectively. The summarized interviews, example processes, recommendations, and resources are provided.


Provider Selection Guidance Tool

The Provider Selection Guidance Tool helps a school district team evaluate the fit of potential technical assistance providers, program developers, or intermediary organizations (referred to hereafter as providers) with district implementation goals and needs.  This tool can also be used by state and regional education agencies.

Enabling Contexts

Recommendations for Addressing Readiness Impacted During and After Covid-19

Readiness is defined as a developmental point at which a person, organization, or system has the capacity and willingness to engage in a particular activity. The recommendations listed within this document are a guide for districts, support providers, and funders to support building readiness conditions in the wake of ongoing implications from the Covid-19 pandemic. While the lens in this document is focused on impacts from COVID-19, the guidance provided may also support readiness challenges that districts, support providers, and funders may face during other long-term disruptions to teaching and learning.

Year 1 Annual Report

Descriptive analyses of quantitative and qualitative data were collected for various indicators of the six readiness constructs within the EIC in the 2021-2022 academic year using various methods (e.g., interviews, surveys, observations) with district executive sponsors, coaches, and provider staff. Below you will find the key takeaways and recommendations from the NIRN team. For more information on the EIC visit our website and the Learning Agenda.

Year 1 Formative Report – Fall 2022

The current report presents results from a student survey, a teacher survey, and a report on the cohort’s use of implementation strategies.

Effective Implementation Cohort